Portfolio Rezztek

You won't be able to tear yourself away from the game!


Rezztek® is a revolutionary material for hockey stick blades that completely replaces traditional hockey tape. It is 50% lighter and thinner than tape and has been scientifically proven to improve speed, accuracy, and puck control.

These benefits are already being utilized by hundreds of players each month, including a large number of professional NHL players.

Despite the challenge of teaching customers to switch from traditional tape to Rezztek, we are seeing growing interest and positive feedback. The collaboration with the NHL is crucial as we bring in new designs and expand the product range.

Our goal is to expand into new markets and reach as many hockey enthusiasts as possible, while maintaining the loyalty of our current customers.


  • The brand collaborates with the NHL and other organizations
  • High demand for the products being sold
  • Repeat purchases from loyal customers


  • The need to educate customers about the innovative product
  • The necessity to protect the brand and patent

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